So once upon a time I was liberal...then I was conservative...then I move to one of the most conservative places in the country and guess what...I'm liberal again!

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Fat and happy after being in St. Louie

So usually over the Thanksgiving holiday, people pork up on all the turkey and stuffing and all that. Well, not me...

My family just moved back to St. Louis and so I get to eat at all my favorite places again!! I'm not lying, I had a list of places to eat (and pretty much all of them were Italian). And you're kidding yourself if you think I didn't check off every place on the list. Do you want to see the list? Of course you do.

1. Ted Drewes Frozen Custard
2. Farotto's
3. Imo's
4. Pasta House Co.
5. Fortel's


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