So once upon a time I was liberal...then I was conservative...then I move to one of the most conservative places in the country and guess what...I'm liberal again!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

I have a lot of catching up to do

I'm going to pull a "Feathers" and do a recap of my life since my last post.


Today I saw this about Batwoman. Awesome.


Beth and I are going to NYC after a conference we're going to be at in Pittsburgh, if you didn't know. Well, Beth is always talking about her success on Hotwire in finding deals. So we're looking up hotels in the city, which a good deal is anything under $200 for any hotel that's not a dump. We found one for $161 each night ($188 w/taxes) at a 3-star hotel in Times Square. Well, when we actually purchased it and we looked it up and it's more like a 4-star hotel and is super fancy! It's called the Paramount. We're pretty pumped about it. There's a Dean and Deluca in the lobby for Pete's sake. And it's so close to everything. Now we just have to find some parking. The wonderful (cough) valet service at the Paramount costs $50 per day. So we're looking elsewhere, since we will have Beth's car but we won't need to use it at all while we're there.


On Tuesday morning at 1:30 a.m. I finally finished the academic handbook and planner. I don't know what to do with all my free time.

I didn't realize I was stressed about it until I talked to Beth and she told me last night that she didn't want to get off the phone with me quite yet because I was in such a good mood.


Memorial Day weekend, Scott visited Austin/College Station. Scott is someone I met in Vegas and at the time he was about to go back over to Iraq. I told him I'd write him while he was there and we've remained friends. So it was fun to see him again and hang out. Of course he also got to experience all of my crazy friends when we went out Saturday night to Madhatter's. Many many more shots of the shocker were taken and we were all being goofy. I have added a few of the best pics. All of them can be viewed by going here.


My parents were also here a few weeks ago and we had a "Game Night" over at Tami and Andrew's after Ashlynn was in bed. We played Mexican Train Dominoes and Cranium. My dad had a little too much to drink and spilled TWO beers! Way to represent the Watsons, Dad. Everyone thought it was funny. The not-so-funny part of the night was when it was a "Club Cranium" and Nick, Andrew and I had to act out the person of "missionary" to our respective teams charade-style. Well, you know the easiest way to do that. But Andrew and I stayed classy and tried to show an actual missionary while Nick was wiggling around on the floor trying to portray the missionary position. It was hilarious but very embarassing.


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