So once upon a time I was liberal...then I was conservative...then I move to one of the most conservative places in the country and guess what...I'm liberal again!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Beefing up my blog

I'm queen of turning anything into something dirty. Like I can't say the word "nuts" or "hot dog" without snickering. So naturally titling my blog-o-the-day as "beefing up" I kind of laughed and felt uncomfortable.

Anyway, i was reading one of nick-n-lea's friend's blog and it puts mine to shame...and is hilarious. So I will not try to recreate it, but I'll do my best to be more detailed in my blogs.

Lea and I went to Los Cucos last night ... the guy who brought us our food has this huge mole on his face ... if you've seen Austin Powers where Fred Savage has that mole on his face, it's almost identical. And I wanted to just keep yelling out "MOLE!" It was gross. Lea said she could see the mole from halfway across the restaurant. It's that big.

You know you've lived in College Station too long when you start complaining about the traffic (on average it takes me 5 minutes to get to work). They're completely re-doing Texas Avenue, which is the busiest street in town. It's driving me nuts. It is going to be absolutely ridiculous in about 1.5 weeks when everyone comes back into town for school. So my road rage level will increase once again when all the freshmen get in town and have no idea where they're going and think you can randomly pull u-turns in the middle of the road and that no one will care. CANT WAIT!!!

In other news, I am going to Cincy tomorrow for a few days...details later.


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