So once upon a time I was liberal...then I was conservative...then I move to one of the most conservative places in the country and guess what...I'm liberal again!

Friday, February 17, 2006

I feel like a kid again

Somehow I found this website today called Retrojunk ... and I'm pretty sure it's one of the greatest websites I've ever seen. I've been looking at old tv commercials all day. I had totally forgotten some of this stuff! Like Giggles cookies?? And I forgot there were Karate Kid action figures. Holy crap.

Here are some of my favorites...

Eat your heart out Ralph Maccio!

Oh yeaaaahhhhhhh!

One to grow on...

Corn Pops (with a prize inside!!!)

I think we JUST got rid of these

I have the powerrrr!


Who didn't have a ton of these?

Ducktales, woo-oo.


Hocus Pocus Alamagocus

There are so many is the link to the main page of the 80's show intros!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Um, this is an audio thing? I think? I'm testing it out

this is an audio post - click to play

Monday, February 13, 2006

President's Day 2006 timeline extravaganza

President's Day Celebration Co-Founders

After discussions with President's Day patron, "Feathers" Martin (which is officially his new nickname and he should consider making it a second IM name), it was decided to have a play-by-play or running timeline of the night's events. Feathers Martin will then review it and any editing and/or additions will be made. Also after discussions with "Tracy from Houston", I thought I should also mention the fact that I have no idea when things occurred after about 10 p.m. and that the following information is slightly falsified, slightly untrue and from a time when I was slightly drunk.

7:40 PM - Beth and I pick up Lea ... on the car ride, she uses the word "preggers."

7:45 PM - Beth, Lea and I arrive at Northgate and head to the Dry Bean for a shot.

7:49 PM - Some random guy at the Dry Bean has already made Beth feel welcome in Texas by saying he doesn't like liberals.

8:05 PM - Beth, Lea and I arrive at Logan's to begin the par-tay.

8:06 PM - Waitress takes our order, notices we have a big plastic bag full of party favors and asks "Are a lot of people joining you? ... How many?"

8:10 PM - Brooke arrives with even more party favors, including a horrible looking button that is red white and blue but kinda looks like the official flag of France.

8:11 PM - Lea finds the glowsticks.

8:20 PM - Our TRUE tables open up at the front of the bar after a group of Happy Hour People leave.

8:21 PM - We claim our tables and set up camp. I open up the centerpiece to put on a table ... I didn't realize how HUGE it was. Holy moly!

8:30ish - More people arrive ... Steve, AD, Rodney, Kori, Lauren, Lindsey, Homer ... and we take a fun big group picture.

8:31 PM - Rodney hands me his Sharpie that I asked him to bring for the nametags (this is important for later on). Obviously you cannot use your regular name for the nametag. It's either a nickname that you've had for a while, your porn name, something random...just don't let it be your real name. Some of the names I can remember are: Crackie, Tracy from Houston, Feathers, Papa Smurf, Trixie McBimbo, Copper Frenchie, The Great Dane, Claymation, Hot Chocolate, White Chocolate, Rick James Bitch, and Moose.

8:45 PM - Sherrice thought she lost her ring. We were looking everywhere for it. Guess what? It was in her purse the whole time.

9:00 PM - We "lei" the bartenders at Logan's ... they're gonna hate us later, may as well be nice now.

9:30 PM - They decide to open up the front door at Logan's and keep it propped open. Dear God it is freezing outside! Artic blast alert.

10:00 PM - It's finally starting to pick up at Logan's. I think I'm on my 3rd drink maybe? I don't know.

11:10 PM - Andrew, Drew and Tami FINALLY arrive ... Andrew and Drew have shirts on that are patriotic and disturbing ... Andrew's shirt says "I WANT YOU" with a picture of Uncle Sam on it doing the "shocker" with his hand and in between "want" and "you" it says "to shock" in really really small type. hahaha. On the back of Andrew's shirt it has a hand doing the shocker and a hand doing the "packer"...please just figure that one out for yourself because I am done explaining it. Drew's shirt says "Shockin the Nation the American Way".

The following mini-blog is from "Feathers" Martin...he had his own timeline for pre-Prez Day...hahahaha

Drew's Alternate Universe President's Day timeline:

OK, so I was supposed to be at the President's Day pre-party, which started with shots at the Dry Bean. I didn't quite make it. In retrospect, it's probably a good thing I didn't, else I might be dead now . . . but I digress. Here's what was going on behind the scenes leading up to the best President's Day ever:

6:10 p.m. Tami, Andrew, Rob and I order take-out from Johnny Carino's. We feel the need to get carb-loaded for the festivities
6:41 p.m. Text message from Megan announcing Dry Bean at 7:30 will kick-off President's Day; Andrew, Rob and I are still at Carino's waiting on our food, which should have been ready by now. Apparently everyone in B/CS has the craving for Italian on Saturday night. It was freakin' packed.
6:50 p.m. The bartender chick finally realizes that our food has, in fact, been ready the whole time but someone else's was on top of it. She didn't even say sorry. Andrew was pissed.
7:00 p.m. We sit down to eat at Tami and Andrew's and come to the full realization that there is no way I am making the 7:30 dry bean adventure.
7:30 p.m. I'm definitely not at the Dry Bean
8:00 p.m. Dinner is officially over and Rob announces he is not going to go to President's Day because he is wiped out from baseball and basketball.

OK, so somewhere in this time period Andrew and I have started working on our attire for the evening -- that's right: homemade Shocker T-Shirts! Complete with
Americana emblems just for the occasion.

8:30 p.m. The babysitter shows up. Tami has arranged for Crystal to watch Ashlynn. She works at the Church daycare or is at least associated with the church somehow.
Andrew and I have never met Crystal (this is important later). We still have huge graphics of Uncle Sam shooting the shocker, the shocker with an American flag in it, and the shocker and packer silhouettes on the computer screen.
8:35 p.m. Tami shows Crystal how to work the DVR so she can watch movies while we are gone. Andrew and I are still trying to figure out how we're going to make these shirts without the nice church girl, who we don't know, seeing what 12-year-olds we are. Tami goes in their bedroom to get ready.
8:40 p.m. Crystal starts watching "In Good Company" (Toeffer Grace and Dennis Quaid).
8:45 p.m. We realize that Tami is in bed. She is not feeling well from the Arby's she had for lunch. She is deciding whether to go or not. Meanwhile Crystal is left by herself with Andrew and I. Not much conversation is going on. 9:00 p.m. I leave to go home to change clothes and stop by Wal-Mart to get more toner for the printer and transfer paper because we are out of color toner and only have 2 sheets of paper left.
9:30 p.m. I'm back, but we figure out that I have gotten black toner instead of
color. I am helpful.
9:40 p.m. Crystal is over half-way though the movie. We are still there. This is weird. 9:45 p.m. It hits us that Logan's might have a dress code which will require us to wear a collared shirt. Panic. I call Megan to find out if they have one. She
says no and asks when we will be there. I say 10:15. I lied.
9:47 p.m. Andrew doesn't trust anyone, so he calls Logan's and finds out that there is no dress code, so we can wear our t-shirts.
10:10 p.m. Andrew is still toying with trying to get the "refilled" toner cartridge to work better. I inform him that it is now 10:10, and we are still nowhere near ready to go. Andrew tells me to quit being smug in his mean voice, and I get overly sensitive and pout.
10:15 p.m. I have sat down in the den with Crystal and am pouting but pretending to watch the movie. Tami starts warming up the iron to transfer the newly created designs onto our shirts.
10:20 p.m. I go back in their bathroom. Andrew apologizes. I acknowledge my over
sensitivity. We are friends again.
10:21 p.m. Tami suggests I relax and have a beer. I concur. Andrew also has a beer.
10:25 p.m. Tami starts ironing on the art.
10:30 p.m. The shirts are done, and now Tami has decided she is going to go and changes clothes.
10:40 p.m. We are dressed and ready to go. Tami goes in to talk to Crystal and Andrew and I sneak out the back way in our offensive attire.
10:45 p.m. We're in two cars now because Tami may want to leave early since she still has that "not-so-hot" feeling in her stomach.
11:00 p.m. We are in the Northgate area, but all parking is gone. I have no cash, so I can't get in the garage. Tami and Andrew scrape together 4 bucks between them, so they can park there.
11:05 p.m. I find a parking space. about 3 blocks past the garage.
11:10 p.m. We make our grand entrance to President's Day 2006! I proceed to suck down several Red Bull + Vodkas and get plowed.

CRAZINESS ENSUES AFTER THIS TIME PERIOD, including nametags ("Claymation" & "Feathers"), glow sticks, hats, centerpieces, stickers, Jell-O shots, kissing Beth, groping Beth, shooting the shocker and packer countless times and some guy throwing up on the floor behind me. Andrew closes out my tab for me. He signs it: YEAH DRUNK BOY!!! Andrew drives Beth and Megan home and then me.

11:15 PM - The real picture-taking begins I think at this point. By the end of the night, we had taken 90 pictures on Beth's camera. Whoa!

The rest of the timeline is going to be called At Some Point (or ASP b/c my hands are already getting tired from typing)...

ASP - Jay (female) arrives and hits on Rodney. hahaha. That's just fun to type.

ASP - I molested a former golfer named Logan. He's so great, but probably wasn't ready for drunk Megan to tell him how great he was.

ASP - Another Logan, a current athlete, sees us and laughs at us, steals my glowing bracelet, and takes a picture of himself with Beth's camera.

ASP - Josh and Brian arrive and are harassed by me and then harassed by Brooke. Brian and I do the best we can to completely recreate Oprah's Favorite Things 50th Birthday Celebration. Ugg boooots! haha

ASP - Shuon Madden and Khaled el Dorry arrive ... both former tennis players. Shuon (pronounced like Sean/Shawn) is just hot. He just is...but he's actually pretty modest. I insist on pronouncing his name phoenetically all night ... so it came out like Shoe-on.

ASP - Ginny, another former golfer, drinks her beer with a straw...but it's not really a straw...yep, it's the flag "stem" or whatever you'd call it.

ASP - Lauren, Brooke's roommate, decides to take President's Day to the commonfolk and walks around the bar handing out stickers and nametags.

ASP - Andrew and Beth thought it would be fun to start putting stickers on beer glasses and then they thought it'd be even more fun to start WRITING on the glasses with the Sharpie. Oh boy, Logan's hates me and my friends.

ASP - Drew decides that the centerpiece needs to be in pictures...lots of pictures...oh, and in dirty ways...with the glowstick. Beth joins in.

ASP - Drew wants to be a unicorn.

ASP - Someone takes a sticker and puts it on my forehead ... people at the bar ask me if I know that I have a sticker on my forehead. Duh of course I do.

ASP - Someone shouts "I love Furries!"

ASP - Someone puked on the floor and apparently got kicked out of the bar...but they didn't clean up the puke and we had to be the Puke Police and tell people to watch where they were stepping.

The lights finally came on around 2:00 AM and we started to leave. Andrew drove Beth and me home ... and oh yeah, i didn't close out my tab. It's actually still at the bar as I type this. Woohoo!

I gotta say, this is probably the best President's Day yet! Can't wait for next year!


Saturday night (for those of you who fell of the Earth or forgot) was the annual President's Day celebration. It lived up to all the hype and was probably the best President's Day celebration so far!!!

Some of the craziness included:
-using glowsticks in "dirty" ways
-writing on drink glasses with permanent marker
-putting stickers on EVERYONE who walked in
-the bartenders asking us NOT to pass out anymore stickers
-molesting student-athletes
-the shocker/the packer

I'll post some pictures soon...

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Let me tell you a story about a man named PEEP

Not really a man, but an annoying little sugar poop-lookin-thing that they sell during major holidays. It used to just be an Easter thing but now the Peep People (haha) have decided that peeps should be for every holiday....because they're just so darn cute and healthy.

Well, at the request of Lea, I am writing this blog because she wanted a written record of the Peeps stories I have... and she was reminded when she saw me driving today in my car (with the big stuffed yellow peep hangin from my rearview mirror).

You have to understand my family to understand this Peep thing...well, maybe you just need to understand that they enjoy causing emotional pain in their children's lives. So my parents know i hate Peeps. They've known since I was like 5. But they LOVE to see me get fired up about stuff, so they send me Peeps EVERY year...sometimes at several holidays. Usually there's a little message from my mother on a post-it note. It usually says something about Happy Easter and then always is followed with "It just ain't Easter without those crazy Peeps! Peep! Peep!"

My parents do have their nice moments...they've sent me a Bunny Peep key chain (which now hangs in my car) ... and a beanbag stuffed original Peep that is in my office. Mostly, though, it's the marshmallow kind that just suck...and do you know they don't expire for like 5 years???? Who wants some Peeps now??? It's just pure chemicals.

I will say the best Peep moment was when my parents sent us Halloween bat Peeps a few years ago. It was Bat Peeps, candy corn and a few toys. My brother Alex not only hates Peeps, he hates candy corn. So he called me and asked if I got the package from mom and dad... he was so mad that he said he was going to throw up in the box and send it back to them. hahahaha

You knew they were gonna have Valentines was only a matter of time!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

This is something I hear probably once a day...

Okay, well not the exact story, but definitely the accent. F that, my accent is MUCH less annoying than the twang.

I suck

Yeah, i suck at keeping this don't understand, though. I have a media guide that I have to get done in like 4 days, i have to co-host a superbowl party (i'm making puppy chow/muddy buddys)(both of those sound gross), Presidents Day (see below) is less than 2 weeks away and I have to clean my house for a visitor, work is i'm sorry. I've had to choose between my beloved blog and gettin dolla bills y'all. Which would you go with? In case you don't know the answer, ask Arbusto (look it up in Spanish) what he cares more about...the people or all the money he has in oil.

Oh and today is football signing day. I think it's funny that everyone thinks I have the inside track to this stuff. Really, I'm just a glorified advisor. I'm not special...sometimes i get free gear, but that's about as far as the insider-ness goes.

Welp, that's all i have time for. Keep it real.