So once upon a time I was liberal...then I was conservative...then I move to one of the most conservative places in the country and guess what...I'm liberal again!

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Nothing says Christmas like karaoke

So I have a small obsession for the next time I'm home in St. Louis ... and that is to go to a karaoke bar with a bunch of my idiot friends (and relatives). I think I've convinced about 5 or 6 people to go, actually.

Well, one of these people is Amber. Amber lives in Chicago and is coming down for the famous Braggin' Rights game held at the Savvis Center. Unknown to me, my brother Alex had already started trying to convince Amber to stay a little longer in town...and then I did, because I can't leave Texas til the day of the Braggin Rights game. Anyway, I told Amber about the karaoke idea and she wrote back telling me I'd have to load her up with booze if I expected her to do karaoke. She said that is the only way it's done (sidenote: i have no problem 'boozing people up'). Coincidentally, she was out last night and a funny situation happened. This is the email I got from her today:

Scene from the bar last night...

A friend of mine comes in with some

Friend: Hey, remember Chris? You guys karaoke'd together.

I had no idea who he was and didnt remember much about singng Pat
Benatar with him.

Fat and happy after being in St. Louie

So usually over the Thanksgiving holiday, people pork up on all the turkey and stuffing and all that. Well, not me...

My family just moved back to St. Louis and so I get to eat at all my favorite places again!! I'm not lying, I had a list of places to eat (and pretty much all of them were Italian). And you're kidding yourself if you think I didn't check off every place on the list. Do you want to see the list? Of course you do.

1. Ted Drewes Frozen Custard
2. Farotto's
3. Imo's
4. Pasta House Co.
5. Fortel's

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

My cat's a FATTY

Friday, my cat, really isn't that fat. But you wouldn't know that if he stepped on you. The boy feels like he weighs around 30 pounds. He puts all his weight on one little paw ... and then you have to watch it, because if he steps on a lung or a major artery, you're in trouble. I was just thinking that I get these mysterious bruises from time to time and I'm beginning to think that they're all from Friday!

He looks like a beached whale in this picture...

Saturday, November 12, 2005


Last night I went to a Hookah Bar in town (i know, can you believe they have one in college station??? and that it was packed?). I've only smoked a hookah once before, and well, i was in Hawaii and pretty intoxicated. It was a little harder when i was much more sober! My throat hurts today! Terrible. But it is kind of fun every once in a while.

Friday, November 11, 2005

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas (kind of)

Okay, so it's not really cold outside (in fact i'm sweating right now) and it's only the beginning of November...but if you go to any retail store right now you know what I'm talking about. The day after Halloween, all the Christmas stuff goes up. Usually this annoys me, but not this year.

I was in Target the other day and lo and behold, they already have the Christmas M&M's out! This is the only time of year you can get MINT M&M's, which are the best invention ever. I have already gotten my entire staff addicted to the things, especially Rodney. Rodney usually comes in to say hello. Now he does a fake "hello" and goes straight for the bag of mint m&m's. I see how he is... anyway, he did eat so many that he felt bad and bought me another bag. I haven't opened the bag yet and now he's pissed at me. hahaha. TOO BAD, Hodge!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Boy it's late

It's less than a month until RENT comes out in theatres. I'm very excited. It's only one of my favorite musicals. You can check it out here:

Alright, so I haven't updated this in a while. I was part of Publisher's Clearinghouse for Halloween. I was Mabel P. Whitetrash, the winner of the prize. It was a very easy costume and cheap to put together. It was really comfortable, except that i had to carry around these balloons all night. Well, after a short time, I decided to tie the balloons around myself like a belt (the belt was helpful in holding my phone as well). This was great for me but everyone else was pretty annoyed. I kept running into people with all the balloons. Eh, I was tipsy, so bumping into other people didn't bother me a bit! haha. Anyway, a few pictures of the costume(s) are below. By the way, you have to understand that when I know a camera is going to take a picture of me, I unconsciously open my mouth. I have a horrible habit of doing this so you can see every tooth in my mouth.

who's at the door?

oh my!

look at my surprise! and my skeletor face...

and let the open-mouth pictures begin...

everyone wanted a funny face on this one, apparently.

these guys were hilarious and came out of nowhere...i thought i might have taken some drugs because the pegasus guy came into the room like he was dressed normally...

again with a funny face. and what is rodney (martellus) looking at?

i'm not sure what dance move i'm doing, but again with the weird face...

there's nothing i can add to this picture...

again, not the best dance move but i distract everyone with my open mouth

those balloons WERE annoying

the static electricity was terrible.

saved the best for last. Megan is cut off!